Pacific Flowering Dogwood
Cornus nutalli - Pacific Dogwood

Vine Maple
Acer circinatum - Vine Maple
Great wildlife shrub or small tree. Bushier in shade and more leggy in sun. Fall leaf colour.

Great wildlife shrub or small tree. Bushier in shade and more leggy in sun. Fall leaf colour.
Amelanchier alnifolia - Serviceberry
Slow growing shrub to small tree that provides edible berries.

Slow growing shrub to small tree that provides edible berries.
Bog Rosemary
Andromeda polifolia - Bog Rosemary
Moist wet places in sun, bog gardens.

Moist wet places in sun, bog gardens.
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi - Kinnikinnick
RedTwig Dogwood
Cornus occidentalis - Redtwig Dogwood
Open moist habitats. Can get tall but cutting back to base every year will bring out new red twig growth. Excellent wildlife shrub.

Open moist habitats. Can get tall but cutting back to base every year will bring out new red twig growth. Excellent wildlife shrub.
Gaultheria shallon - Salal
Holodiscus discolor - Oceanspray
To 8ft shrub for open, sunny or shady well drained sites. Butterfly host

To 8ft shrub for open, sunny or shady well drained sites. Butterfly host
Common juniper
Juniperus communis - Common juniper
Sun, dry rocky habitats to form a low groundcover. Great habitat and berries for wildlife.

Sun, dry rocky habitats to form a low groundcover. Great habitat and berries for wildlife.
Western Bog Laurel
Kalmia microphylla - Western Bog Laurel
Moist wet places in sun, bog gardens.

Moist wet places in sun, bog gardens.
Trapper's Tea
Ledum glandulosum - Trapper's Tea
Moist wet places in sun, bog gardens. A tea can be brewed from the leaves.

Moist wet places in sun, bog gardens. A tea can be brewed from the leaves.
Lonicera involuctra - Twinberry
Tall Oregon Grape
Mahonia [Berberis] nervosa - Tall Oregon Grape
Sun or woodland, to 6ft. Deer resistant.

Sun or woodland, to 6ft. Deer resistant.
Cascade Oregon Grape
Mahonia [Berberis] nervosa - Cascade Oregon Grape
Oso Berry
Oemleria cerasiformis - Oso Berry
Oregon Boxleaf
Paxistima [Pachistima] myrsinites - Oregon Boxleaf
Replaces common boxwood. To 3ft.

Replaces common boxwood. To 3ft.
Mock Orange
Philadelphus lewisii var. gordonianus - Mock Orange
Pink mountain heather
Phyllodoce empetriformis - Pink mountain heather
Pacific ninebark
Physocarpus capitatus - Pacific ninebark
Pacific Rhododendron
Rhododendron macrophyllum - Pacific Rhododendron
Moist shady woodlands. Medium size rhododendron in garden settings, more full in shade.

Moist shady woodlands. Medium size rhododendron in garden settings, more full in shade.
Western Azalea
Rhododendron occidentale
Moist sunny places, fragrant attractive blooms.

Moist sunny places, fragrant attractive blooms.
Gummy gooseberry
Ribes lobbii - Gummy gooseberry
Red-flowering currant
Ribes sanguineum - Red-flowering currant
Garry Oak Ecosystem Meadow component, dry, attracts hummers.

Garry Oak Ecosystem Meadow component, dry, attracts hummers.
Bald-hip rose
Rosa gymnocarpa - Bald-hip rose
A native rose for smaller gardens that doesn't spread. Sun or shade.

A native rose for smaller gardens that doesn't spread. Sun or shade.
Nootka rose
Rosa nutkana var. nutkana - Nootka rose
Adaptable, moist to dry gardens. Thicket forming wildlife and habitat shrub.

Adaptable, moist to dry gardens. Thicket forming wildlife and habitat shrub.
Rubus spectabilis - Salmonberry
Trailing blackberry
Rubus ursinus - Trailing blackberry
Blue Elderberry
Sambucus cerulea - Blue Elderberry
Douglas Spirea
Spirea douglasii ssp. douglasii - Douglas Spirea
Symphoricarpos albus - Snowberry
Adaptable medium sized shrub that provides berries for wildlife. Shady edgelands and riperian habitats.

Adaptable medium sized shrub that provides berries for wildlife. Shady edgelands and riperian habitats.
Alaskan blueberry
Vaccinium alaskense - Alaskan blueberry
Black huckleberry
Vaccinium membranaceum - Black huckleberry
Oval-leaved blueberry
Vaccinium ovalifolium - Oval-leaved blueberry
Evergreen huckleberry
Vaccinium ovatum - Evergreen huckleberry
Useful,evergreen edible shrub for hedges.

Useful,evergreen edible shrub for hedges.
Red huckleberry
Vaccinium parvifolium - Red huckleberry
Bog blueberry
Vaccinium uliginosum - Bog blueberry
Vaccinium vitis-idaea minus - Lingonberry